He is risen, He is risen indeed.

On this blog I share a lot with you. One thing I don’t share enough though is my faith. I don’t know why I don’t share it more, I guess I am just not that good at articulating what is in my heart when it comes to faith. I would like to share this with you today though.

Today he is risen. He is risen, he is risen indeed!

Today our savior has reminded us once again, the power of his father, our God.

Today he rose from the dead. Today he absorbed my sins. Today, and always, I shall live for him.

Along with rejoicing in the rising of our lord, I wanted to share this with you. I made a cover photo for facebook, with my favorite verse.

I wanted to share it with you so that if you wanted, you could also make it your cover photo, or use it on your computer. (Just click, save and upload).

I also made this:

I love this verse. To me it captures my faith. It guides me. I focus so much on my plans and what I need to do. When in reality I need to give it up to God.

For as he says, he has plans for me and if I trust in him I am safe.

About Theresa Bridget

I have a pretty simple life, but simple is perfect for me.

Posted on April 8, 2012, in Uncategorized and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 3 Comments.

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