I ran 13.1 miles-yada yada yada

Half marathon # 2 is now under my belt… Unfortunately I did not get the time I wanted. I was hopping for 2:59:59 and my training was right there with that time, but for some reason ( I know the reason) I just was not in the mood to run!!! My official time was 3:20:50 ( YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW MUCH THIS TIME PISSES ME OFF) Yes, it is a tad faster than last time…. but I trained (kind-of-sorta) !!! ( you should be reading this in a whinny little kid voice, because that’s how I’m saying it!) I know at least ‘i did it’ and ‘i got a new pr’ but I mean I am better than 3:20:50!!!!

Here I am right before the race


Just beware, this post may have a little TMI for some people, but it’s my blog, and I’ll post what I want to.

So the day started off at 5am, I got up, got all my stuff and took off. I forgot breakfast so Greg and I had to stop at a grocery store, I got a protein bar and a banana. As we got closer to the beach, the traffic really started to get bad. The marathon started at 6:45 am so people were getting there for that. So we arrived and were told parking was full and we would have to go down the beach to find parking. We ended up driving all the way to Magnolia, about 1.90 miles from the car to the starting line. We parked and then everything ( as if walking 2 miles to the starting line of a 1/2 marathon wasn’t enough) went down hill. I started to get dizzy and had horrible cramps, like want to crawl into a ball and die cramps. I also started to get really depressed. I couldn’t stop crying for 15 minutes, and kept telling Greg to take me home… ( can you guess why? Hint it has to do with me being a girl) I just knew the day wasn’t going to be good, we finally got out of the car and headed down to the start line. I had a shotbloc, drank some water then lined up about 5 minutes before we should have started… then I waited, and waited, and waited, 50 minutes after the start time we finally got going. By this time it was 9am and getting hot. I started off steady, keeping a 12 mile per minute pace for the first 4 miles. Then I encountered hills, lots of them. I kept it steady adding a minute to my pace, but I was feeling better than I did earlier in the day. I kept going was in my happy place, then mile 6 came… I was out of water on my little bottles, but the water station was in sight, but they had run out of water… I mean at this time I was at about a 13:30 pace, so there is no reason to not have water! So I sucked it up and kept going, at the next water station right before mile 8 ( I think) I got up to the water station, and two boys were splashing each other with water (WATER THAT WAS FOR RUNNERS), I ended up getting splashed, which I was NOT in the mood for, so I kept running without water again… Then as I reached the turn the reason I was in a bad mood and emotional struck… I pretty much gave up at this point… I found a porta-potie took care of it… tried to jog a bit… but yeah I was not having it… I actually  started walking and texting Greg about how much I wanted to quit… from mile 9-12 I walked and maybe jogged about .75 miles of the way… I just was NOT having it… I was hot, I was grumpy, I was sad, and I was in pain… When I got to mile 12 I jogged my way to the finish and to a time of 3:20:50…& then today.. I am in pain and swollen like no other… Two weeks again when I ran 11.5 miles, the next day I was fine, not pain, no foot pain, no swelling, I was great… Add a period and another 1.5 miles and I feel like I can’t walk.. My legs are sore, my back is sore, my pinky toe is on pins and needles (still). Yeah overall not good.

I am keeping my head up high and just looking forward to the OC half in 3 months.

So let get to the race, I don’t know exactly how I feel about Surf City, I mean it was okay but there is A LOT of room for improvement!!!

Here were a few of my cons:

Don’t have stations run out of water… when I was running mile 7 had no water, I guess the truck hadn’t come to replenish it yet. Which sucked.

There was a huge delay, want to know how bad… Before I was even at a mile, the male finisher, was crossing the finish line…

I was about the 3rd corral to start, and we were already 50 minutes behind… Which meant it was so hot!!!

The volunteers were really annoying (well just a few) there were a few boys throwing water and water cups at each other and I got hit with the water, with the day I was having, I was just NOT having it!!!

So, if your still with me here, I want NEED  you to keep me on training tack this time. In 3 months when I run the OC marathon, I WILL break 3 hours and I WILL feel great afterwards!


Oh I trained today… 25 minutes on the bike and 41 minutes on the treadmill
. I did intervals going from 4.0->5.5 and threw a few two minute 6.0 and 6.5 intervals in there. Like I said I am determined to run faster!!!

About Theresa Bridget

I have a pretty simple life, but simple is perfect for me.

Posted on February 7, 2012, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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